Office Chairs

Office Chairs

Office Chairs

Office Chairs

Using ergonomic office furniture can help reduce the chances of the permanent damage that can be caused from sitting in uncomfortable positions for long periods of time either while you are in the office or even at home. There are several important types of ergonomic office furniture that have proven to help provide a safer, more comfortable work environment.

Ergonomic Office Chairs

The most common cause of back pain is sitting for long periods of time in chairs that are either not very ergonomically designed or are worn out so the ergonomic benefits it may have had are now long gone. Using a non-ergonomic or worn out chair for a long period of time can cause severe back pain and over time, can lead to permanent problems. A great ergonomic office chair will have some, if not all, of these features:

- Adjustable seat height/depth
- Adjustable armrest height/width
- Adjustable tilt of backrest/whole seat
- Adjustable lumbar support

As you can see, adjustability is the main feature of any good office chair, as no one person needs the same combination of features.

Ergonomic Monitor Risers

You should never have to look up, down, or to the side to view your monitor, and monitor risers can lift your monitor to the correct height so that your back, neck and head are in proper alignment at all times. Good monitor risers will be adjustable so that the height of the riser can be changed based on the overall height of the user. Many risers offer storage space or drawers below or on the sides so using an ergonomic monitor riser is beneficial in multiple ways.

Ergonomic Keyboard Trays

Keyboard and/or mouse trays can offer full adjustability that can help stop problems from misalignment of hands, wrists, arms, and shoulders before they start. Many desks come with keyboard trays that only slide out, and then back in again. But to get the full benefits of an ergonomic keyboard tray, it must be adjustable in multiple ways, including up, down, side to side, and it should be able to tilt forward or back. Many ergonomic keyboard trays also offer an attached mouse tray that can offer constant perfect alignment whether typing or clicking away on the computer.

Ergonomic Footrests

Believe it or not, having your feet flat on the floor while sitting at your desk is not the most ergonomic position to be in. Having your feet out in front of you and resting comfortably on a tiltable footrest can improve circulation throughout the whole body and more importantly, in your feet and legs. A good foot rest will have a tilting platform so that you can adjust the angle of your feet to whatever is the most comfortable, and will be adjustable in height to account for overall height of the user, and length of the person’s legs.

By P.S. Orr

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